Clayton Davis Blog

The blog of an overly opinionated cloud consultant


Hello World!

My name is Clayton. I have spent the last 6 years of my life doing AWS cloud consulting for a few different companies. I am currently with Caylent as a Delivery Manager. I started off in engineering, worked my way through architecture, and have most recently found myself in this delivery manager role where I focus more on people development and client management. At this point, I have worked on well over 50 different client environments solving a vast array of problems. Sometimes I solve very challenging technical issues, other times I solve very challenging layer 8 problems.

Recently, I have found myself involved in a lot of high-level conversations with clients about their direction in the cloud and have realized that consulting has made me extremely opinionated about many topics. Enter blog. My goal is to use this blog to share my opinions about things as they happen, also as a way to document my thoughts on a particular topic at a particular time because the cloud continues to evolve and the tools you use and the methodologies you use to manage it do as well.

Prior to my days in consulting I went to school to be a network engineer, spent some time in a management focused leadership program, and played buzzword bingo in a developer/devops role focused on building microservices. My background is a bit all over the place, but so is the cloud, so it aligns nicely.

I have never been a blogger before, so giving this a try. My goal is to try and get something posted monthly. Opinionated clients may cause me to post more often. We will see what happens. One of my favorite quotes that I think applies to a lot of things in the tech space is “Perfection is the enemy of progress.”. With that in mind we are just going to see where this takes us.

Please feel free to reach out if there is anything I can do for you.